Saturday, June 5, 2010


Good Morning. It's seven o'clock on your day off. This is the first living thing you encounter. No, not the cat. His tail. And hind end. You know those dinosaurs that had a brain in their tails to operate them because they were so big? Figaro has that same thing. The problem is, in his case the brains plot against each other. And me. Unfortunately you can't see the full effect, because what his tail-brain is doing is swishing the tail UNDER my iron while I'm trying to iron the piece. Yep. It's seven AM on a Saturday and the tail-brain of the cat feels that we should go to the emergency vet. Which doesn't help fill this purse order.

Now his head-brain is getting into the act, trying to school the tail. None of this appears helpful to me, does it? Appearances can be deceiving though. I've found, over the years, that a certain level of chaos actually helps me make stuff.

Now, this is like kryptonite to others. I've mentioned my Mother. She can't stand to even enter my sewing room, it's so stacked up with random stuff. Check out the boxes and bags behind Fig. Yep, I'm not sure what's in them, but I know I'll probably need them some day... My poor roommate is similarly afflicted. She has to share the place with me. I don't disagree that organization has it's place, it's just that for me it doesn't work. I wouldn't blame her if she put a line of tape down the middle of the place.

But for now I work in sort of a rag bag, with a cat on my head most of the time. I do envy those people in the magazines with beautiful work spaces with lots of storage, all color coordinated and stuff, but I need things where I can see them. Within easy reach. If I put my stuff in cupboards, I'd forget about it. How do you work best? Everything in its place and a place for everything? Or are you more like me, super cluttered like a grab bag table in a church basement? Do you have a partner in crime, or do you have the place to yourself?


Or sew.