Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I've cleaned off my sewing table. It's not perfect, that's for sure, but everything is Put Away for a change. I even found the foot pedal that goes to my good machine, so the portable is taking a rest and I'm back to normal. Almost.

I've had a doll in my head for a while. She's a little curvy, and I keep seeing her with a carpet bag. Enter my friend Paul who, at some point, randomly sent me a box full of upholstery scrapes. Blues and greens mostly, with some reds. The scraps are all pretty small, because, I'm guessing they were samples. So, yesterday I began cutting the doll out of her muslin, and sewing the body peices together. I got as far as stuffing the torso and the head, and I knew I didn't have anything for clothes. But then I remembered the box. Spreading the scrapes out on my ironing board, I found a velvet for the skirt with flowers and a castle, and a scrap of bright green for the bodice. Then I remembered a dragonfly scarf that I never wear that would work for the blouse and underskirt.

Have I gotten to the carpet bag yet? Not yet. But this doll is going to be amazing. Her story is coming right a long with the clothes. I know so far that she will be called "Give me your Dreams."

And I have an idea of what is going to be in that carpet bag of hers.....

Maybe pictures soon. For now, say hi to the kits.