Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to business

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. I've had excuses to be away from the sewing machine. We got lovely new windows in the sewing room, but that meant that my table was down for a while. Well, a week.
Then there was a great doll. She's still great, but I can't seem to get her finished. The pattern didn't work the way I wanted it to. I have to make another arm... Sigh.What I've been doing lately is a lot of hand sewing. I've been making felties again, and really enjoying them. There's something about the simplicity of them that I love. Every time I stitch a face, I try to make it as expressive as I can, and try to find different ways to do that. I love to make a simple face that looks like it's about to tell a story.

The little guy above, for example is saying, I know my teeth are Sharp, but I don't look hungry, do I? I'm really friendly.....

And then there's this little guy. He's obviously a Micheal Jackson impersonator, right? But he's got the jacket, and the hair. Both of little creatures are from felties books by Nicola Tedman. They are fantastic patterns, which are easily adapted, which is what I did, rather than try to trace them. I love the detail of the Micheal Jackson Thrilla, but my hair turned out a little big. I love that between the eyes and the mouth, it really does look like the dancing zombie.

I'm sort of sick of my sewing machine. I'm hoping that these little bits of whimsy will push me back up there. Before it gets too cold....

And the kits all say hello. They miss you. And think you should bring them treats.